A book that teaches children about religious tolerance through a series of metaphors and discussion between its characters. Please see "activities I'm juggling right now" for specific storyline/content.
I love the magical aesthetics that can be created via computer graphics, and am having a wonderful time with this book! Although it is illustrated with computer graphics, each artwork is entirely original, and not a manipulated image.
I wanted the images to be full of contrasting, but equally rich and vivid colors. Thereby, emphasizing the beauty diversity brings to all of us in this world through our varying belief systems.
This work is based on the writings of America's Shawnee philosopher, Tecumsheh. Although I did not write the words, I hold them in high regard, and believe that if more of us could abide by his advice, the world would be much improved. I hope that translating his writings into a "children's book" will make the concepts easier to internalize and to be appreciated by young and old alike. In this sense, it is kind of a children's book for grownups who appreciate reminders of our higher self. My goal was to capture the man's spirit and meaning behind the words he spoke so long ago, but which are still pertinent to society today. This work is not intended in any way to be an acurate portrayal of his physical features nor is it intended to be historicallly accurate in regards to the aesthetic culture of the Shawnee Indians.
In order to do homage to his incredible man, I chose to go back to the basics of India Ink and the quill. I feel that the simple line serves to best capture the gentle strength inherent in his words, as well as fit within the time period in which he lived.
Please contact Mary Ann Thompson-Frenk directly at (214)252-0783 if you are interested in having a book illustrated.
Books Mary Ann is Illustrating for Other Writers
Author:John McCormick
About Author: John is a minister and professional counsler.
Title of Book to be Illustrated: How Freddie Found His Fire
Storyline: "The misadventures of a firefly trapped in an ant farm who all but loses his life. This exciting book is for the child in every one of us and especially beneficial for parents and corporate executives who want their children and employees to blossom into highly effective adults."
Other Books written by Author in the past:
"It Takes Love to Sell a Stone": an anthology of articles on relationship selling.
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Illustrations for
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Author: Alan Keith
About Author: Alan is a playwrite and actor who speacializes in musical comedy. He is currently working on "Exploring Polyester", a variety show that utilizes comedy to explore the issues of today, both political and spiritual.
Title of Book to be illustrated:A Guidbook for Parents
Storyline: (From Introduction) "My name is Alan Keith. I am not a doctor, psychologist or a psychiatrist. There are no initials after my name but I do have one thing in common with these types and every single person on the planet: I was a child. A child who wanted to be safe and loved. The adults who could have provided this safe and loving enviroment for me were not capable, perhaps they did not know how. As my best friend said, there is not a guidbook (for raising children). Well, now there is! Perhaps if my parents would have had this simple guide, my childhoods could have been very different..."
"1.) Tell your children that you love them.
2.) Tell your children that you are proud of them.
3.) Tell your children that they are worth while.
4.) Repeat steps one through three for the rest of their lives."
The interview will focus both on her children's book, "Why Does Billy Call God a Different Name?" and on her most recent exhibition at The Fairmont Art Gallery!