"Inspiration is as far from you as you choose to recognize it. A tree doesn't grow passively, it works through photosynthesis to make a miracle happen. As human beings that is what we must do. A true miracle happens when we make a collaboration between ourselves and out environment. A collaboration requires work on our part, but I truly believe the universe rises to meet us when we are on the right track...some of you may be asking yourselves, 'How do I know if I am on the right track?' That's why at the beginning I told you that your talents are your soul telling you, 'This is what I am here to do!' The purpose of life is to live in accordance with your soul's agenda. For one, it may be to inspire others. For another, it may be to discover and lend forth strength. But for all people, our purpose is told to us every day of our lives. And if you are an artist of some kind, wordsmith, filmmaker, sculptor, choreographer, etc., you have been given a great gift! The gift of creation. That is a very big hint. The next time you create, recognize it for what it is: Your soul is telling you your deepest desires. It is in your nature to call forth and to create. Let it choose both direction and pace and you will never be lost. On the contrary, you will discover that you have an inner compass inside yourself. Most importantly, you will discover that that compass is the most accurate definition of who you are..."